Some Indicators for the Analysis of Interculturality in Italy

  • Gabriella D'Ambrosio Sapienza, University of Rome
  • Veronica Pastori National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System


The goal of this study is the analysis, through secondary data deriving from the main national sources, of migration’s phenomenon in Italy from 2007 to 2014. In particular, the purpose of paper is the description of interculturality focusing the attention on four specific dimensions of the daily life, like citizenship, education, labour market and marriage. Each of these offers a set of statistical indicators useful to observe the integration of migrants in Italy.

So, from this research, it will emerge actual role of Italy in European migration context with the hope that a real politic of inclusion, based on dialogue and interaction among autochthonous and foreigners, will be raise in our country where the foreign presence, in the time span of seven years, is increased by 67.5%. For this reason, the recognition of each individual, independently by national membership, is a fundamental element for builing a global community.


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